The Annual Report is published for Foundation Donors and others interested in the Stanley G. Tate Florida Prepaid College Foundation.
Click the links below to view the PDF version of the Annual Report. You’ll need Adobe’s Acrobat Reader to download PDF documents. If you do not have Acrobat, click here for a quick, easy, free download.
View the 2022 Foundation Annual Report
View the 2021 Foundation Annual Report
View the 2020 Foundation Annual Report
View the 2019 Foundation Annual Report
View the 2018 Foundation Annual Report
View the 2017 Foundation Annual Report
View the 2016 Foundation Annual Report
View the 2015 Foundation Annual Report
View the 2014 Foundation Annual Report
View the 2013 Foundation Annual Report
View the 2012 Foundation Annual Report
The Florida Prepaid College Foundation Board annually publishes Financial Statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. These include the audited financial statements, note disclosures, and required supplementary information, presenting the Foundation Board’s financial condition at fiscal year-end and results of operations during the fiscal year.
View the 2023 Foundation Financial Statements
View the 2022 Foundation Financial Statements
View the 2021 Foundation Financial Statements
View the 2020 Foundation Financial Statements
View the 2019 Foundation Financial Statements
View the 2018 Foundation Financial Statements
View the 2017 Foundation Financial Statements
View the 2016 Foundation Financial Statements
View the 2015 Foundation Financial Statements
View the 2014 Foundation Financial Statements
View the 2013 Foundation Financial Statements
View the 2012 Foundation Financial Statements
View the 2011 Foundation Financial Statements
View the 2010 Foundation Financial Statements
The Comprehensive Investment Plan describes the investment goals, strategies, asset allocation and performance benchmarks for the Florida Prepaid College Foundation. The Comprehensive Investment Plan has been approved by the Florida Prepaid College Board.
(1)The Florida Prepaid College Board may establish a direct-support organization which is:
(a)A Florida corporation, not for profit, incorporated under the provisions of chapter 617 and approved by the Secretary of State.
(b)Organized and operated exclusively to receive, hold, invest, and administer property and to make expenditures to or for the benefit of the board.
(c)An organization which the board, after review, has certified to be operating in a manner consistent with the goals of the board and in the best interests of the state. Unless so certified, the organization may not use the name of the prepaid program or savings program.
(2)The direct-support organization shall operate under written contract with the board. The contract must provide for:
(a)Approval of the articles of incorporation and bylaws of the direct-support organization by the board.
(b)Submission of an annual budget for the approval of the board. The budget must comply with rules adopted by the board.
(c)Certification by the board that the direct-support organization is complying with the terms of the contract and in a manner consistent with the goals and purposes of the board and in the best interest of the state. Such certification must be made annually and reported in the official minutes of a meeting of the board.
(d)The reversion to the board, or to the state if the board ceases to exist, of moneys and property held in trust by the direct-support organization for the benefit of the board or prepaid program if the direct-support organization is no longer approved to operate for the board or if the board ceases to exist.
(e)The fiscal year of the direct-support organization, which must begin July 1 of each year and end June 30 of the following year.
(f)The disclosure of material provisions of the contract and of the distinction between the board and the direct-support organization to donors of gifts, contributions, or bequests, and such disclosure on all promotional and fundraising publications.
(3)The direct-support organization shall provide for an annual financial audit in accordance with s. 215.981. The board and Auditor General may require and receive from the organization or its independent auditor any detail or supplemental data relative to the operation of the organization.
(4)The identity of donors who desire to remain anonymous shall be confidential and exempt from the provisions of s. 119.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution, and such anonymity shall be maintained in the auditor’s report. Information received by the organization that is otherwise confidential or exempt by law shall retain such status. Any sensitive, personal information regarding contract beneficiaries, including their identities, is exempt from the provisions of s. 119.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution.
(5)The chair and the executive director of the board shall be directors of the direct-support organization and shall jointly name, at a minimum, three other individuals to serve as directors of the organization.
(6)The board may authorize the direct-support organization established in this section to use board property, except money, and use facilities and personal services subject to the provisions of this section. If the direct-support organization does not provide equal employment opportunities to all persons regardless of race, color, religion, sex, age, or national origin, it may not use the property, facilities, or personal services of the board. For the purposes of this section, the term “personal services” includes full-time personnel and part-time personnel as well as payroll processing as prescribed by rule of the board. The board shall adopt rules prescribing the procedures by which the direct-support organization is governed and any conditions with which such a direct-support organization must comply to use property, facilities, or personal services of the board.
(7)The board may invest funds of the direct-support organization which have been allocated for the purchase of advance payment contracts for scholarships with receipts for advance payment contracts.
(8)(a)The direct-support organization shall administer the Florida Prepaid Tuition Scholarship Program pursuant to the provisions of s. 1009.984.
(b)The board may establish and administer additional scholarship programs supported from escheated funds retained by the board pursuant to s. 1009.972(5) provided that any matching funds for such scholarships are obtained solely from the private sector. The board shall develop criteria for approval of additional scholarship programs supported from escheated funds. The direct-support organization’s annual report shall include a list of any additional scholarship programs approved by the board pursuant to this subsection, including a description of the programs and the amount of escheated funds utilized to fund the programs.
The Florida Prepaid Tuition Scholarship Program is established to provide economically disadvantaged youth with prepaid postsecondary tuition scholarships. The direct-support organization established pursuant to s.1009.983 shall administer the program with the assistance and cooperation of the Department of Education to:
(1)Provide an incentive for economically disadvantaged youth to improve school attendance and academic performance in order to graduate and pursue a postsecondary education.
(2)Obtain the commitment and involvement of private sector entities by virtue of funding matches with a ratio of 50 percent provided by the private sector and 50 percent provided by the state.
(3)Purchase prepaid tuition scholarships for students certified by the Department of Education to the direct-support organization who meet minimum economic and school requirements and remain drug free and crime free.
(a)For the purpose of this subsection, “drug free” means not being convicted of, or adjudicated delinquent for, any violation of chapter 893 after being designated a recipient of a Florida prepaid tuition scholarship.
(b)For the purpose of this subsection, “crime free” means not being convicted of, or adjudicated delinquent for, any felony or first degree misdemeanor as defined in ss. 775.08 and 775.081 after being designated a recipient of a Florida prepaid tuition scholarship.
As the 501(c)(3), direct support organization for the Florida Prepaid College Board, the Foundation helps support our shared goal of making college more affordable and accessible for more Floridians.
Your donation will be used in furtherance of the tax-exempt charitable purposes of Florida Prepaid College Foundation, Inc. (the “Foundation”). All donations are received and considered unrestricted unless explicitly stated otherwise by the donor. If funds received exceed the specific need or goal of a Foundation program, then, at the discretion of the Foundation, any funds donated may be used for similar scholarship programs operated by the Foundation.
View the Master Contract and Program Description and Participation Agreement for more information.